Setting breakpoints for the calls of blocks and value fields

→breakpoint can be set for the following FBD-elements within the →graphical FBD-editor:

How to set a breakpoint for the call or the value field:

  1. Select the FBD-elements for that you want to set a breakpoint.

  2. From the context menu of the FBD-editor, select Toggle Breakpoint. Alternative: Press Ctrl+Shift+B.
    The icon  for the FBD-elements informs that a breakpoint has been set.
    Example for the call of the SEL block with a breakpoint:

If you want to remove the breakpoint afterwards, select Toggle Breakpoint again or press Ctrl+Shift+B again.

When debugging, the execution might not be suspended for each breakpoint that has been set for an FBD-element. This behavior is caused by the optimization of the C-code that is created when the FBD-logic is saved.

Examples for such breakpoints for which the execution is not suspended:

  • breakpoint for a value field following the call of a string function (e.g. the call of the FIND block)

  • breakpoint for a value field following the call of a system block that calculates arrays with 2 dimensions (e.g. the call of the SUB_2D_ARRAY block)